Abbots Chambers prides as being one of the more prominent and active lawyers in the legal fraternity focusing primarily on Criminal Litigation. During our course, we have got the following cases within our belt.


  • PP v Zhai Huilu [2021] SGDC 84
  • PP v Sandy Chua Ya Zi [2021] SGDC 51


  • PPAinon binte Mohamed Ali [2020] SGMC 7
  • Mohammad Farid bin Batra v PP and another appeal and other matters [2020] 1 SLR 907; [2020] SGCA 19
  • Lyu Yan v Lim Tien Chiang and others [2020] SGHC 145
  • PPNorasharee bin Gous [2020] SGHC 189
  • PPDamen Chiam [2020] SGDC 270
  • PPLim Zhi Wei, Justur [2020] SGDC 56


  • Lyu Yan @ Lu Yan v Lim Tien Chiang and others [2019] SGHC 10
  • PPYe Lin Myint [2019] SGDC 36
  • Ranjit Singh Gill Menjeet Singh v PP [2019] SGHC 75
  • PP v Imran bin Mohd Arip and others [2019] SGHC 155


  • PP v Nur Jihad Bin Rosli [2018] SGDC 56
  • PP v Lim Chee Keong [2018] SGDC 192
  • PP v Mohd Taufik bin Abu Bakar [2018] SGMC 50
  • Nur Jihad bin Rosli v PP [2018] 5 SLR 1410; [2018] SGHC 220
  • PPLee Hwai San Adrian Matthew [2018] SGDC 271
  • PPMohd Taufik bin Abu Bakar [2018] SGMC 73
  • PPRavan s/o Samubil and others [2018] SGHC 103


  • PP v Ranjit Singh Gill Menjeet Singh and another [2017] 3 SLR 66; [2016] SGHC 217
  • Masoud Rahimi bin Mehrzad v PP and another appeal [2017] 1 SLR 257; [2016] SGCA 69
  • GBJ v PP [2017] SGDC 6
  • PP v Judy Wee Aye Fong [2017] SGDC 87


  • Kho Jabing v PP [2016] 3 SLR 1259; [2016] SGCA 36
  • PP v Franklie Tan Guang Wei [2016] SGDC 263
  • PP v Lim Poon San [2016] SGDC 49


  • PP v Omar Bin Osman [2015] SGDC 67
  • PP v Venderwall Philip Junior [2015] SGDC 320
  • PP v Goh Poh Keng [2015] SGDC 294